Temple Shalom Sisterhood

Temple Shalom Sisterhood

Temple Shalom Sisterhood
Welcome to Sisterhood!
Temple Shalom Sisterhood is a place for members to get together to build friendships with other women, support the community and help our neighbors through social action. Sisterhood meets once a month for breakfast. We get together and participate in a wide variety of events throughout the year including leading a Sisterhood Shabbat and hosting a Passover Seder.
Whether the activity you are interested in is Temple/Community support, special events, or simply social, we have something for everyone.
If you have an idea and would like to plan an event please get in touch with us by emailing Andrea Kirshbaum.
Be a part of our great and growing community. Join the Sisterhood TODAY! Download the Sisterhood MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION and return the form and check to the address on the form.