Our Clergy and Ritual leadership are continually seeking to enhance the spiritual life of our members through our Shabbat worship. Please see the Temple Calendar for specific dates and times of events.
Our traditional Erev Shabbat Services are led by Rabbi-Cantor Serebro-Litvak with our accompanist, Paul Carroll. We worship from Mishkan T'filah, the siddur (prayer book) of the Reform movement. Other Friday evenings feature themed worship that offers meaning, inspiration and variety.​
Family Shabbat is held every month and is led by one of our Religious School classes and enhanced with the voices of Kol Shalom, our junior choir. We also have a tradition celebrating simchas – birthdays and anniversaries for our monthly family Shabbat Services. An Outdoor Service at Horseshoe Lake Park is held annually.
Guest Speakers and Scholars in Residence have recently included Senator Bob Menendez, Congressman Tom Malinowski and members of the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh. We host prominent local leaders as guest speakers to our bimah for special Shabbat Services. Our past guests have include Rabbi Jeff Salkin, Leibel Fein z”l, Ethan Felson, Rabbi Rex Perlmeter and Rabbi Doug Kohn have brought their inspiring words to our Sanctuary.
Musical Shabbatot are a very important part of Friday Night Shabbat Services under the direction of Rabbi-Cantor Serebro-Litvak with our accompanist, Paul Carroll. Included are Rock Shabbat – a spiritually uplifting Shabbat experience with our own Temple Shalom band and Choir Shabbat with our own wonderfully talented vocalists. Our special musical annual Shabbatot have included honoring the legacy of Dr Martin Luther King with guest Interfaith choirs and musicians, plus we hold our annual musical Shabbat honoring the music of Debbie Friedman. We also have an annual healing Shabbat with beautifully soothing harp accompaniment from Merynda Adams.
Summer Shabbat Services. Several times during July and August we have Shabbat Services hosted by members of our community who welcome us to their homes and led by our Rabbi. These are often held outdoors (weather permitting). We also have a summer “Pet Shabbat” honoring our pet companions and our annual Shabbat outdoor Service held locally at Horseshoe Lake Park.
Affiliate Shabbatot such as Brotherhood Shabbat, Sisterhood Shabbat, Youth Group (TSHY) Shabbat, Renaissance Shabbat and creative services on social justice and educational themes also add to our Shabbat worship.
Saturday Morning Shabbat Services will be held to celebrate a Simcha such as a Bar/Bat Mitzvah and for our Religious School students a few times each year to add to our students’ prayerful and spiritual experience, growth and understanding..