Our High Holy Day Celebrations starting with Selichot and continuing with our two days of Rosh Hashanah services and celebrations, plus a full day of Yom Kippur services give all of us an opportunity for teshuva (repentance) and a deep prayerful connection for a Sweet New Year ahead. Rabbi Serebro-Litvak and our choir bring a heightened sense of spirituality and meaning to these Holy Days to us as individuals, to our families, and to all of us as a community. The blasts of the shofar awaken us to recall our past and to strive for a better year ahead, as experienced through the generations, dating back to our ancient spiritual roots.
Our celebrations and services for the High Holy Days are very family friendly. While offering a very meaningful experience for all the adults in our community with our music, prayers, studies and our Rabbi’s sermons, we certainly offer wonderful and exciting family and interactive children’s services as well for all ages!
Mishkan HaNefesh, our Mahzor (Holy Day Prayerbook), is inspiring for creating a space for all worshippers to inhabit. Through updated translations, elucidating essays, rich commentary, and a beautiful selection of poetry, Mishkan HaNefesh provides an environment for those of all backgrounds to find meaning in the High Holy Days.
Special observances on Yom Kippur afternoon include Yizkor to recall and honor our loved ones that are no longer with us.
We look forward to having you join us for this most important time of year!