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5784 Kol Nidre
"Sometimes a song takes up residence in your brain. When that happens, we call it an ear worm. I have an ear worm - it is the song Ein Li...
10/20/23- Noah Sermon
God decides to cause a flood that will destroy the world, sparing only Noah's family and the animals that Noah gathers together on the...
5784 Rosh Hashannah Morning
As your friend and as your spiritual leader, I wish you a Happy New Year, Shana Tovah and Shabbat Shalom. I hope that this year you will...
7/14/23- Matot Masei Sermon
The sages had great debates about whether or not the death penalty should ever be carried out (Makkot 1:10) Copying or storing any...
7/22/23- Pinchas Parsha Sermon
Often when we read the Torah as plain text we come across passages that make us ask ourselves, “Why is it that there is so much cruelty...
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